28 Mayıs 2013 Salı

Graph Sketch


graphsketch is a program that helps you to draw one or more graphs on the same page. of course this graphs  are different colours, so a nice display showed up.

here is a free field of this program, we will fill this field soon with some example.

this picture shows you where should you write functions those you want to draw 

here is settings about the field that you draw on. you can set the dimension of your page which you draw your graphs or other settings.

now I will show you some graphing examples :




 above graphs are easy to draw. now I will plot a graph that has more than one function.

every graphs are different colours, so a theacher can show every drawing to their students easily, and the students can see them in a enjoying way.

you can write functions those you want to draw graphs of in this way.

finally, you may watch a video about this program.

I hope my explains can help you a little. thank you for reading :)


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